Cove Football Club
Oak Farm Stadium, Squirrels Lane, Cove, Farnborough, Hampshire, GU14 8PB
Type: Outdoor
Held on: Sunday
Seller start time: 08.30
Buyer arrival time: 09.00
From/To: May to Oct
Frequency: Regular
Seller fee:
Entry fee:
Refreshments: Yes
Toilets: Yes
Disabled access: Yes
Disabled parking: Yes
Disabled toilets: Yes
Average no. of sellers: 83
Operators name: Cove FC Micky
Contact telephone: 07440146946
Contact email: Email Cove Football Club
Website: Cove Football Club website
Listing last updated: 22-05-2017 - This listing hasn't been updated for a while, please contact the operator to make sure the event is ongoing.
Click here for additional information
Additional information
Entrance to car boot is via Farnborough Rugby Club. Well signposted on street.
IMPORTANT DISCLAIMER - Please read: The above information has been provided by car boot operators and website users or sourced from existing marketing material. We strongly recommend that you contact the car boot sale to make sure it is running before making a special journey. We are unable to accept responsibility for missing or inaccurate information and/or any losses leading there from. However, we will investigate and update any erroneous information as soon as we are notified of same. If you wish to report any incorrect information please click on the below button.